Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Causes of Migratory Polyarthritis

Arthritis is often considered to be a chronic illness and often associated with old age, There are various types of arthritis detected these days. A potentially serious one is the migratory polyarthritis. When the problem of arthritis shifts from one joint to the other, it is commonly known as migratory polyarthritis. Often it is characterised by a set of definite symptoms and is also considered to be the repercussion of certain specific causesIt is important to understand the causes which could be responsible for the incidence of the disease in the first place.

How is Migratory Polyarthritis caused?

  • Rheumatic Fever—Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory condition involving the streptococcal infection. It affects the muscles, joints, brain, heart and skin.
  • AIDS—The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS could be one of the more common reasons for polyarthritis. The AIDS virus is known to affect and eventually destroy the immune system of the body, making it more and more susceptible to diseases. it is also considered one of the most prominent causes responsible for this form of arthritis.
  • Lyme Disease—Lyme disease in an infectious illness which is normally transmitted through tick bites. It causes all symptoms of flu like illnesses including rashes, swelling, joint aches and other forms of inflammation. It is also known to be one of the potent causes of migratory polyarthritis.
  • Polychondritis—Polychondritis is a chronic health condition which affects the joints of the body causing inflammation and subsequent degeneration. When this illness is of a relapsing kind, it is more likely to give rise to such complex forms of arthritis.
  • Whipple’s Disease—Whipple’s disease is a rare abnormality which arises due to a bacterial infection in the absorption mechanism of the body. It interferes with the body’s mechanism to absorb nutrients from food intake. The disease results in weight loss, a weakened immune system, insulin resistance etc. It could also be considered responsible for aggravating problems such as migratory polyarthritis.
  • Hepatitis—Both hepatitis B and C, which are concerned with the malfunctions of the liver are associated this kind of joint related illness.
  • Bacterial Endocarditis—Bacteria endocarditis is caused as a result of inflammation in the inner layers of the heart. These might affect the valves of the heart and is primarily caused due to bacterial infection. Most often, it also has lateral side effects like causing migratory polyarthritis and the likes.

Migratory polyarthritis could have several other causes as well. You could consider seeking the advice of a specialist for effective understanding of the same. Treating arthritis has a lot to do with incorporating lifestyle changes along with taking effective medication, for effective resolution of the problem. You could also consider resorting to alternative therapies which incorporate holistic healing for longer relief.

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