Lemon Vinegar for your Health The Lemon a Fruit of Vast uses in food but everyone Throws away the Peels But the Peels have many uses including making your own Lemon Vinegar To make Lemon Vinegar Simply Add 3 Lemons Cut up in a Mason Jar with Apple Cider Vinegar (I do Apple Cider Vinegar but you can do White Vinegar if you wish) Let it Sit 2-4 Weeks Strain out the Lemon and Use Becauses using Lemon Vinegar for Cooking use it for your Health Bug Be Gone Naturally Mix Equal parts lemon Vinegar with Water in spray bottle and Spray along thresholds, windowsills, around door entrances, and near any cracks or holes where ants or pests may be entering. Ants do not like lemon and will not enter your home. Lemons are also effective against roaches and fleas. Mix Mint and Lemon Together and you will keep them out all the time and have a Fresh Clean Smell Household Clea...
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