About a year ago, I decided to fully dedicate myself to transforming my legs. Which might sound funny, given that I’m the Fitness Director of Men’s Health . But let me give you some context: Here at MH , I specialize in making fitness videos. In fact, you can see me in our brand’s videos on Facebook Instagram, and, of course, MensHealth.com. (You can also see me in The Get Back in Shape Workout—a DVD program that will help you build a fitter, stronger body in just 28 days.) Which is a lot of fun, but also has its drawbacks. Namely, lots of people like to share their opinions about how I look . Or more specifically, how my legs look. But not in a good way. One day, I got fed up with all of the “someone skipped leg day” comments, and decided to do something about it. To be clear, I’ve never been one to skip leg day. However, my history of knee injuries had made it difficult for me to train my lower body as often or as hard as I want to....
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