Tuesday, January 12, 2016

A woman experiences the worst nightmare of having bleeding during pregnancy.  It does not mean that it is a miscarriage, but it is definitely something not to be ignored.  Heavy bleeding indicates a serious condition and the doctor must be consulted at once.
jayesh modi ]
Bleeding during pregnancy is more common than you might think. Most incidences occurred in between weeks of 5 – 8 and will end in 3 days. Most women will have a once incidence of bleeding, a small number of women will bleed throughout their pregnancy. The blood leaking from vagina before 24 weeks of pregnancy lead to threatened miscarriage or abortion.
You must consult a doctor within 72 hours of any bleeding, when you have a rhesus negative blood group like O- or A-. There are some reasons that are possible mixing of your baby’s blood with yours. If the blood has mixed, it may cause your body to produce antibodies against positive blood.
A positive blood group is more dominant than a negative blood group. Then your baby will inherit a positive blood group. The blood mixing doesn’t have any bearing on your first pregnancy. If you have another baby with positive blood, your antibodies would attack what it thinks is foreign matter.

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are masses of compacted muscle and fibrous tissue and are found inside or outside the uterine wall. They can be problematic or unproblematic while pregnant. It depends on the location of the fibroids that they grow or not. Pregnancy hormones can cause fibroids to shrink or grow. It is best to remove fibroids before pregnancy, because they cause ectopic pregnancy with heavy bleeding and pregnancy loss. Many women are able to give birth without any problem too.

Time Frame and Bleeding

Bleeding during the first three months of pregnancy often   indicates a miscarriage, but there can be other reasons also. In the second and third trimester heavy bleeding poses a serious problem. In the last term around 36 weeks of pregnancy bleeding indicates the onset of labor. In the early months hormonal changes and damage to the cervix can cause bleeding. The same case can cause bleeding in the later stages of pregnancy also. Abruption of the placenta or separating of the placenta from the walls of the uterus can cause bleeding in later pregnancy which can lead to miscarriage or early labor. It should be remembered that the cause of bleeding occurs due to problems with the baby or uterus and no activity of the mother can cause bleeding. The best way to handle this case is to relax and not move until the doctor comes.  Sometimes complete bed is advised to avoid this condition.

Sex and pregnancy

Most couples are concerned about safety of sex during pregnancy.  It is a common sign of having bleeding during pregnancy after sex, but it is not a sign of danger. There is increased supply of blood to the cervix and vagina during pregnancy and there are chances of disruption of these vessels during sex.  There is often some spotty, occasional bleeding during sex with pregnant women.  It is no cause of worry, but if there are cramps and heavy bleeding doctor should be consulted. The chances of bleeding during sex can be prevented by trying different positions where less pressure is put on the woman. A comfortable position of the woman must be adopted by mutual consent.

Other causes of bleeding include

  • Implementation bleeding is normal in the early stages of pregnancy. It is light spotting with no pain
  • An infection in the urinary tract or pelvic area can also be the cause of bleeding and is accompanied with pain. The doctor should be consulted for the benefit of the health of the mother and the fetus.
  • The cervix is very tender during pregnancy and so bleeding can take place after sex. This is nothing serious.
  • Any form of bleeding in the first trimester indicates miscarriage if it is accompanied with strong stomach pain and cramps. Even spotting with severe cramps is an indication of miscarriage.
  • Bleeding also occurs in tubular pregnancy or when the embryo is implanted in the Fallopian tubes or in some other place.


Most women go through normal pregnancies after some spotty or bleeding days. There is nothing one can do to prevent miscarriage. Miscarriage takes place when there are genetic defects in the embryo. The instructions of the doctor should be religiously followed.  He may advice complete bed rest with elevated legs till bleeding stops.  One should stay calm with a positive attitude. This will help in an early recovery and delivery of a healthy baby.
It’s important to see a specialist to manage your individual case and suggest what to do next. If the bleeding is heavy and accompanied by stomach cramps, period type pains, and backache, immediately contact your doctor. Try to remain as calm as you can remind yourself that bleeding can occur in pregnancy.
Of course, you cannot prevent a miscarriage from occurring. There are things that will help you to feel more physically comfortable.
  • Bed rest
  • Paracetamol
  • Hot water bottle for your tummy
  • Tea and support from your partner
You might pass the developing fetus and other tissue, and then the bleeding will then stop. It is not better to continue to bleed. You will need an anesthetic and a curette to clean out your uterus.

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